Beth Rogers is a sessional instructor and PhD student at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík, Iceland, studying topics of food history and medieval Icelandic culture for her thesis, “On with the Butter: The Cultural Significance of Dairy Products in Medieval Iceland.” The project is hosted by the Institute of History at the Centre for Research in the Humanities.

She has also completed an MA in Medieval Icelandic Studies with a thesis on literary psychology and Arthuriana. In addition, she has an M.Ed. in secondary education and has taught students of all ages in Taiwan, the United States, and Iceland. Her favorite course to teach was the first MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) for the University of Iceland on the edX platform, called Medieval Icelandic Sagas. More than 5,000 students took part worldwide!

Beth will be presenting her keynote on Saturday morning on the topic of “Dairy, Destiny, and Disasters: Calamity and Community in Medieval Iceland.” We are glad to have her!